UNDERGRADUATE PIANO PEDAGOGY CURRICULUM: Undergraduate Pedagogy Curriculum May 2010 MUS 3312 PIANO PEDAGOGY I (3 cr.) Fundamentals of piano teaching, examination of the learning process and its application to the elementary student. Review of teaching materials and music technology for the elementary student. Independent studio management and planning. Observation and directed teaching in the Piano Laboratory Program, both individual and group lesson settings. MUS 3313 PIANO PEDAGOGY II (3 cr.) Examination and evaluation of beginning piano methods, and early intermediate repertoire. Survey of, analysis, and classification of pre-college teaching literature. Independent studio management and planning. Observation and directed teaching in the Piano Laboratory Program, both individual and group lesson settings. MUS 4317 PIANO PEDAGOGY III (3 cr.) Examination and evaluation of standard literature, teaching materials and music technology for the late intermediate and early advanced student. Exploring issues related to pianistic issues such as technique, memorization, performance enhancement, and stylistic/musical ideas as well as professional issues such as music wellness. Students evaluate resources for piano teachers and conduct research in piano pedagogy. Directed teaching in the Piano Laboratory Program, both individual and group lesson settings. MUS 4114/15 INTERNSHIP IN PIANO TEACHING I, II (1-1 cr.) Undergraduate assignments in piano teaching: children's classes and individual lessons in the Preparatory Laboratory Program; assist in college piano classes. Faculty direction and evaluation. Opportunities to gain varied teaching experiences. Graduate Pedagogy Courses: MUS 4315/16 ADVANCED PIANO PEDAGOGY AND PRACTICUM I, II (3-3 cr.) Comprehensive study of the group teaching process at the collegiate level. Learning/teaching theories with application to class piano teaching. Comparative methodology, lesson planning and literature for class piano, keyboard skills for music majors, the electronic piano laboratory and new technology. Includes observation and supervised teaching of college piano classes at varied levels. MUS 5114/15 GRADUATE INTERNSHIP IN PIANO TEACHING I, II (1-1 cr.) Special assignments in piano teaching: children's classes and individual lessons in the Piano Laboratory Program; group and private instruction of college students; adult leisure piano. Faculty direction and evaluation. Provides opportunities to broaden prior teaching experience. MUS 5116 PIANO PEDAGOGY RESEARCH PROJECT (2 hrs) Prerequisite: Music 5320. Individual graduate research project in the field of pedagogy. Project may be a formal paper, an instructional video or piano workshop, an annotated survey of teaching materials, or original materials for piano teaching. Subject must be approved prior to registration and may not duplicate directly any coursework or substitute for required courses. |